Yes, I do primarily shoot weddings but I still do children's pictures when it comes to past clients, friends, and family. This precious boy is my cousin April's little angel. He was three in October and taking after her cousin Spring, she is just now getting his three year pics made. I am so bad that I haven't officially taken my children's pictures since last year at the beach (Bad Mama). So April is doing pretty well.
We had such a wonderful time doing these pictures. Ben is sooooo sweet and beautiful, as you will see. He was doing such a good job but it wasn't until his Papa Rick got there that his face truly lit up.
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I was never blessed with a sister of my own, so my cousins are the closest thing that I have had to a sister relationship. I don't get to see them as often as I would like to but it does make it even more special when we do get time to spend together.
I love you April, Carol, Michelle, and Kelley! I hope to see you all again soon!

These pictures were taken at our Great Aunt Kathryn's home in Statesville.
Here is Ben when he saw Papa Rick driving up in his car! Look how his little eyes just light up!
Here is Ben with his Papa Rick.